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April 17, 2017  | by Sharee

Tips on How to Prepare Your Child for a Filling Visit

Your child’s first cavity can be a scary thought for both you and your child. Not knowing what to expect creates anxiety and lots of questions, which is okay. As a parent, the team needs your help to manage anxiety before going into the dental office to help create a happy visit.

Here are some tips to help you and your child have a successful visit:

1) Use positive talk before the appointment.

It is important to first remind yourself of what scares you about something new and what apprehensions you may have about going to the dentist. Avoid bringing those experiences to your child. Leading up to the appointment, always talk positive about the dentist and team. This should be a fun and exciting trip to the dentist. Explain how lucky your child is to have such an awesome dentist that can help chase the “Sugar Bugs” away!

2) Allow your child to have their own dental experience.

During the visit, we suggest your child go back to the room by themselves. The dental team can usually establish closer rapport with your child when parents are not present. If a parent would like to come into the room for the procedure, it is most important that you are a silent partner. Please try to avoid bringing siblings into the room with your child that is receiving the treatment. This could create anxiety and restlessness for your child or the sibling.

3) Keep explanations about the appointment simple.

We suggest you refrain from using words that may induce fear, such as “shot”, “drill”, or “hurt.” Dr. Farrow and staff will instead use words that are pleasant and non-frightening to your child. For example, “Sleepy Juice” for anesthetic or “Mr. Thirsty” for suction.

4) Work with your dental team to find the right appointment.

Most children do better with appointments when they are at their best part of the day. For most kids, this is usually an appointment in the morning or late morning. Provide them a good breakfast and make it a special start of the day. We will do our best to keep your child comfortable throughout the entire visit. One of the ways to keep them comfortable is by offering Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas). Nitrous oxide is a safe sedative agent that is mixed with oxygen and is inhaled through a mask that fits over your child’s nose. Your child remains awake and conscience, but gives them a sense of “aware but don’t care.” The effects wear off after 5 minutes of inhaling oxygen only and removing the mask.

5) Celebrate their appointment!

Tell your child how great they were and how they were such a big helper. Consider a small reward or special outing after the visit to celebrate being cavity free.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you or your child have a positive visit. We hope that a good experience will result in making future appointments easy and stress free!!