Woman eating raspberries as a substitute for sugar

Sugar Substitute

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April 15, 2019  | by Tracey

Nitrous Oxide

In our office we offer Nitrous to help our patients relax during dental procedures. Nitrous Oxide is a safe sedative agent that is mixed with oxygen and is inhaled through a mask. The mask fits over your nose and it helps you relax. It does not put you to sleep, you are still awake and are able to hear and respond to any requests Dr. Farrow has. You should feel calm and comfortable with in a few deep breaths. After a dental procedure, you inhale only oxygen for a few minutes while the effect of the nitrous wear off. Nitrous Oxide has little to no effects after the procedure. Most patients are able to walk, talk, drive and return to work or school after an appointment.

If this is an option you would like to review with Dr. Farrow please let us know when scheduling your next appointment.